Investigating the Carbon Efficiency of Australian Super Funds

Updated April 23, 2024

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Recognising the climate data deficit, Sustainable Platform aims to illuminate the journey towards lower carbon emissions and champion leading advocates.

Conducting an analysis of the Australian Superannuation Fund market, we have developed a ranking of every Fund Option. This scoring reflects a fund’s alignment to the Paris Agreement, accounting for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. Each fund is measured on the basis of their carbon footprint, with lower carbon intensive funds receiving higher scores.

Carbon Efficiency of Australian Super Funds
Data collected by Sustainable Platform, 2024

We would like to recognize the most impactful funds for their commitment to climate-related sustainability. Thus, introducing the Carbon Efficiency Score.

Within the Top 20%, 30%, and 50% of the most Carbon Efficient Funds, let us help you capitalize on your data and communicate your impact to customers, investors, and employees.

Learn more about our Carbon Efficiency Score and how your fund compares.

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